Northern Rivers Classic Motorcycle Club inc.

Club Events

The primary NRCMCC ride is held monthly on the Sunday immediately following the club meeting (remember the club meeting is on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, February to December; no meeting in January).

The Sunday ride starts at 9 am at the Norco Rural Stores 105 Wilson Street South Lismore.

Please note: all participants need to sign on before the ride and remain with the ride group for the duration of the ride. Any rider who leaves the club ride group before the end of the ride will need to use their log book for the remainder of their ride on that day.

All members and their guests are welcome on our rides.

There is a ride route map wherever you see this icon in the Attachments column: ride route icon

There is a downloadable PDF wherever you see this icon in the Attachments column: pdf icon

16-Mar-2025POSTPONED - New Date TBA

Memorial Ride for Jack Ahern Trophy presentation  Clunes Hall

Ride starts Norco Bulk Store 9.00 am, ride around the area and finish at Clunes Hall for presentation.

If you do not want to ride, you are most welcome to come. We have plenty of tables and chairs.

Please contact Mary 0429 662 915  if you are coming, she needs numbers for catering.
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