Membership Information
Persons seeking new membership should contact the Club Membership Officer at:
For current members wanting to renew their membership, refer to the following information:
Annual membership renewal and fee payments are due no later than 31st March each year. Renewal fees that remain unpaid from the 1st of April will render the member un-financial and will impact upon any and all benefits of membership, including but not limited to, cancelation of any historical vehicle registrations. The club is obliged to advise Transport for NSW of any member who has not renewed their membership.
1. Membership Renewal Form:
A fully completed form is required for all membership renewals.
There are two versions of the Membership Renewal Form available to download here:
This version is a plain PDF. You need to print it out and then fill it in by hand. If you want to use this form for Method 1 below then you will need to scan it after you have filled it in so that you can email it to the Membership Officer. Plain PDF version.
This version is a fillable PDF Form. You do not have to print it. Download the form to your computer. Open it it in Adobe Acrobat and fill it in. Then save it and email the completed form to the Membership Officer. Don't forget to do the direct deposit payment(s) too. Fillable Form PDF version.
2. Current Fees:
Single membership: $15.00
Dual Membership: $22.50
Application to renew membership can be made by one of the following 3 methods.
Method 1: On line and EFT (Our preferred option).
Email a completed Membership Renewal Form to the club Membership Officer
Then either use Internet banking to deposit the fees into the Club's accounts OR if you don’t use online banking you can pay over the counter at any Greater Bank branch in Casino, Lismore, Ballina, Grafton & Tweed Heads.
The club’s bank account at the Greater Bank is:
Membership fee account: BSB: 637000 Acct number: 716800695 Reference: your last name & initial
Method 2: Snail Mail.
Post a completed Membership Renewal Form along with cheques/money orders (NOT cash) to the club’s PO Box address: NRCMCC Inc, PO Box 7058, Lismore Heights NSW 2480.
Method 3: In person at a monthly meeting - our least preferred option!
Complete a Membership Renewal Form beforehand and hand it to the Membership Officer at the next available club meeting. Then pay the Treasurer your fees - cash, cheques or Money Orders.
Your membership renewal is not considered complete until the club has received BOTH your renewal form and your fees.
Annual Membership renewal and fee payments are due no later than 31st March each year.